Pinus pinea

Stone Pine


Technical information

Height: 12-20m




A tree about 12-20m tall with characteristic broad-domed mushroom shape, with the trunk often baranching at a low level. Bark thick, with large orange-brown plates. Young shoots green becoming yellow-brown. Leaves in 2s, mostly 10-15cm long  can be short as 8cm, stout, twisted and shining, mid green. Cones 10-14cm long, 8-10cm wide, terminal ovoid, symmetrical, persistent and often closed on the tree taking several years to ripen.

Easily recognized by it flat crowned mushroom habit with orange plated bark and trunk oftend divided near bas into 2-4 trunks, roundish cones with large, blunt scales and virtually wingless seeds. 


Pinus Pinea 200L Web 480x640

Reference: Spencer R.1995 Horticultural Flora of South-Eastern Australia Volume 1.University of New South Wales Press.

All plant dimensions are estimates only and ultimate size and growth rates will depend on growing conditions, particularly when used in some urban environments.